Helpful Links
Select a category below to explore helpful links and resources.
- Illinois Tobacco Quit Line
- Medline Plus Health Topics - Trusted Health Information for You
- American Cancer Society
- American Heart Association
- American Lung Association
- National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
- American Diabetes Association
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- Preventing and Screening for Childhood Lead Poisoning
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Nurse Advice Line
A toll-free nurse advice line is available to members 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 866-606-3700 and ask to be transferred to the nurse advice line.
Interpreter Services
If you need interpreter services regarding your healthcare with Meridian or your PCP, call Member Services at 866-606-3700 and we can arrange an interpreter in your preferred language. This is provided at no cost to you.
Community Resources for Staying Active
Mall Walkers of Illinois
If you are looking for a fun way to get your 30 minutes of exercise in a day, a Mall Walking program could be the answer! Visit your local mall’s Customer Service desk for more information about programs near you.
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is an after-school program for young girls in 3rd-6th grade. The program educates and prepares girls for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living.
Fuel Up to Play 60
Fuel Up to Play 60 is helping youth make changes in school by helping kids eat foods like low-fat and fat-free dairy, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. It also helps kids to get at least 60 minutes of activity every day. Students take part in fun challenges to earn prizes and recognition for their school. Students can track their healthy eating and activity on the website daily to measure their success. For more information, visit the Fuel Up to Play 60 website or call 800-752-4337.
The Y is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization for youth development and healthy living. Financial help is offered to people and families who cannot pay for a membership. For more information, visit the YMCA website or call 800-872-9622
Community Resources for Free Health Events
La Leche League
La Leche is an international group which gives information and support to women who want to breastfeed. For more information visit the La Leche League website and find a group in your area.
Community Resources for Food Assistance
- Food Banks
Food banks are places where food items are stored until they are redistributed to food pantries and soup kitchens. They have information where food panties are located and other food assistance programs. - Feeding Illinois
Feeding Illinois’ purpose is to provide food for hungry people in Illinois, to fight for policies that reduce hunger, and to educate the public about the important role food banks play in ending hunger. For more information, visit the Feeding Illinois website or call 773-843-5425 for food banks in your area. - Food Pantries
Food pantries are places where people can go to receive meals and other food. Locate a food pantry by zip code. - To Apply for Food Assistance
To find out if you are eligible for the Illinois Link Card visit the DHS website and fill out the application. You can also call the Department of Human Services Help Line at 800-843-6154. - Farmers Markets that Accept the Illinois Link Card
Farmers markets must be certified by the Food & Nutrition Service (FNS) to accept Link Cards. View a list of markets in your area or call the Department of Agriculture at 217-524-9129 for more information. - WIC Food Assistance
WIC helps provide supplemental food and formula to Women, Infant and Children at a nutritional risk. For more information visit the WIC website or call 800-26-BIRTH. - Illinois School Meals Programs
There are many public and private schools in Illinois that offer free breakfast and lunch programs for your children. To see if you qualify for this benefit please visit the school meals program website or call 800-545-7892. - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
This program helps both families and pregnant women with one or more children with temporary cash and also other benefits. The aid can help pay for shelter, rent, food, utilities, heating bills, and expenses other than medical. Visit the TANF website or call 800-843-6154 for more information.
Assistance for Seniors & the Elderly
The Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program is a food and education program for seniors. This program helps seniors eat well and stay healthy. Apply for the Senior Farmer's Market program.
If you are a senior looking for help in your community please visit the Eldercare Locator. This website has a list of topics that may be useful when you are looking for help in your area.
Meals on Wheels Illinois is a program in which healthy meals are home-delivered to you. For more information on this program visit the Illinois Meals on Wheels website or visit the Meals on Wheels Chicago website if you live in the Chicago area.
Other Resources Members can Contact for Additional Food Assistance
- Contact your local Church
- Contact your local Salvation Army
- Locate a local Salvation Army
- Call 800-843-6154 for further assistance from the Illinois DHS
Preventive Health
Take charge of your health by staying up-to-date with your PCP. For a list of health screening guides for men, women and children, visit our Preventive Health Section.
Visit the following links for more information:
- NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
- American Diabetes Association
- American Heart Association
- Flu Prevention
- American Cancer Society
- IL Department of Healthcare and Family Services - Integrated Care Program
- Association of the Blind
- The Chicago Lighthouse
LTSS/Waiver Helpful Links
- Medicaid Managed LTSS
- Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Enrollment Materials
- Detailed Waiver Information
- Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Programs
- IL Integrated Care Program Information
State of Illinois Services
- IL Coalition of Limited English Speaking Elderly (CLESE)
- IL Department of Human Services - Additional Supports
- IL Department of Human Services - Additional Services
- IL Department of Public Health - Health Fact Sheets
- IL Department on Aging: Assistance in your home and community
- IL Department of Human Services - Maternal and Child Health
To Enroll in the Integrated Care Program, call Client Enrollment Services at 877-912-8880 (TTY: 866-565-8576) or enroll on their website.