Child Immunizations
Making sure that your child sees their doctor for well-child visits and recommended vaccines is one of the best things you can do to protect your child and community from serious diseases that are easily spread.
Well-Child Visits and recommended vaccinations are essential.
Well-child visits and recommended vaccinations are essential and help make sure children stay healthy. Children who are not protected by vaccines are more likely to get diseases like measles and whooping cough. These diseases are extremely contagious and can be very serious, especially for babies and young children. In recent years there have been outbreaks of these diseases, especially in communities with low vaccination rates.
Which vaccinations does your child need?
Knowing which vaccinations your child needs can be confusing. Meridian is here to help. Use this list of recommended vaccinations to help your baby stay healthy.
Common questions about vaccines
Most parents choose to vaccinate their children according to the recommended schedule, but many parents may still have questions about the vaccines recommended for their child.
- Answers to Your Most Common Questions about Childhood Vaccines | CDC
- Respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes sobre las vacunas infantiles | CDC
Earn rewards for keeping your child healthy!
- Your child may be eligible to earn rewards for completing Well-Child visits and recommended vaccines through the Meridian Healthy Rewards program.
- Every member has their own unique list of rewards they are eligible for. Log in to see how you can start earning rewards today!
Age | Reward |
Birth to 15 Months Well-Child Visit* | From $15 to $100 |
Later Well-Child Visit (15-30 months) | $15 |
Later Well-Child Visit (15-30 months) | $15 |
Annual Check Up (Age 3-21) | $25 |
Immunization Visits (Birth to Age 2)** | $75 |
Immunization Visits (Birth to Age 2)*** | $75 |
Immunization Visits (Age 9-13)**** | $50 and $75 |
Immunization Visits (Age 11-13)***** | $25 |
*There are 6 visits with varying reward amounts | |
**Around 2 months of age | |
***Around 2 years of age | |
****Two visits for two-dose HPV vaccine | |
*****Two visits – meningitis and Tdap |
Help your child get ready for their vaccinations.
- Children may be fearful of getting vaccinated. Help decrease your child’s fears of vaccinations by:
- Being honest. Explain that they will feel a pinch for a minute, but it will not last long. Calm their fears by sharing that vaccinations keep them from getting sick.
- Providing comfort. Bring comfort items like stuffed animals, books, or favorite toys to distract and provide a sense of security. Keep your child on your lap. Offer positive words of encouragement throughout the process
- Staying calm yourself. Set an example by remaining calm, even when your child is not.
- Once your child has received all of the shots, be especially supportive. Hold and cuddle your child. A soothing voice, combined with praise and hugs will help reassure the child that everything is okay.
For more information Contact us.
Watch the video, what you should expect when your child is vaccinated.
Additional Resources
How Your Child’s Immune System Updates after Vaccinations | AAP - YouTube
Why Immunize Your Child -
Razones para vacunar a su hijo -
Here’s Why Your Preteen Needs the HPV Vaccine –
Por qué su hijo preadolescente necesita la vacuna contra el VPH -
Protect Your Child from the Flu | American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) - YouTube
Proteja a su hija o hijo de la gripe | American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) - YouTube
Mythbuster Immunization FAQ | Why does my child need a flu shot every year? - YouTube